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A Modern Approach to old fashioned GP

Welcome to your new surgery — with a familiar look!
GPHQ Neutral Bay has evolved from Wycombe Road Surgery, which was one of the oldest GP surgeries in Sydney. It was established in 1912. Since then, it has provided excellent family medicine in the Neutral Bay and surrounding areas.
It is now time for a new generation to build on its solid foundations of the old fashioned values of care, commitment and consistency.
We will continue to observe these great attributes, whilst being on the leading edge of modern medicine.
In that light we are creating a holistic center, which not only provides GP care but also that of psychology, naturopaths, Chinese medicine, clinical pharmacists, dietitians and remedial massage.
We aim to become a one stop shop. This will include antenatal shared care, weight loss clinics, skin cancer clinics, depression clinics and many others. We also have Douglas Hanley Moir here for all your pathology needs.
Another special feature of the surgery is the two doctor approach. For our patients who see us regularly, we would like them to know two doctors well, so if one is away, there is a likelihood the other will be able to help.
In short, we hope GPHQ will remain or become a surgery you can rely on and we can be proud of.
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